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Rated #47 In The Country!
America's Best Plastic Surgeons 2021

Why Have A Rhinoplasty?
Patients are usually surprised by the dramatic improvement in appearance that rhinoplasty can produce. As well as being cosmetic, there are often functional benefits, as a 'nose job' improves nasal airway breathing.
Dr. Salas has over 25 years of experience with Rhinoplasty and is an expert at producing a natural, classy result.
The shape and size of the nose are inherited from our family line and develop as we grow to maturity. These natural characteristics can be changed by rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty may also be performed to restore the shape of the nose after an injury or trauma, although it may not be possible to make the nose perfectly straight. Rhinoplasty will not treat snoring or sleep apnea.
Procedure Details
The cuts required to perform the procedure are normally made inside the nose to avoid scarring wherever possible. The desired shape of the nose is then created by partially removing and reshaping the underlying bone and cartilage. The small wounds are then closed with stitches. Finally the nose may be filled with surgical packing to help control any bleeding. The procedure is usually undertaken while you are asleep under a general anesthetic, but sedation and local anesthetic that numbs the area around the nose may be used.
Preparation & Recovery
Each patient will be given specific and tailored instructions regarding preparation for surgery.
Those who smoke run a greater risk of chest infection and the healing wounds in smokers may be slower. For patients who smoke it is advisable to cut down for a week before surgery and to stop smoking completely for three days immediately before the operation. Assumption of Aspirin or blood thinning medication should be avoided before the procedure as it can reduce natural blood clotting after.
Before the operation you will be asked about your medical history and you will have a full medical examination, including checks on your heart and lungs. You should ensure you are free from a cough, cold or sore throat at the time of your operation and if you have any doubts, contact your surgeon for advice. When you arrive at the hospital you will be asked to sign a consent form to say that you understand the procedure and have given your permission for it to be performed. The nose itself will be examined and its shape and size will be measured. You will probably have a photograph taken of your face before the operation so that the results of surgery can be compared with the original appearance.
Prep & Rec
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