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Chin Augmentation

Why Have A Chin Augmentation?
A distinct and defined chin is the key to an impressive and attractive profile. Chin Augmentation can correct a receding or protruding chin with a normal dental bite. This surgery fundamentally improves the appearance of the lower half of your face, and can help distinguish the face from the neck.
Procedure Details
There are two basic procedures used in genioplasty : one involves moving the chin bone forward or backward and the other, the use of an artificial chin prosthesis to add size to a receding chin. To move the bone forward or backward, the surgeon cuts through the chin bone. The lower portion of the bone is then moved forward or backward and fixed to keep it securely in position.
A chin prosthesis can also be used to create a more prominent jaw. Using this technique, a prosthesis, similar in consistency to the natural chin and sized to fit the patient, is placed in front of the bone to increase the chin's prominence.
Preparation & Recovery
Each patient will be given specific and tailored instructions regarding preparation for surgery.
Those who smoke run a greater risk of chest infection and the healing wounds in smokers may be slower. For patients who smoke it is advisable to cut down for a week before surgery and to stop smoking completely for three days immediately before the operation. Assumption of Aspirin or blood thinning medication should be avoided before the procedure as it can reduce natural blood clotting after.
Prep & Rec
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