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Brazilian Butt Lift

Why Have A Brazilian Butt Lift
Brazilian Butt Lift is one of many buttock enhancement techniques. By using your own fat cells taken from other parts of your body, your surgeon will be able to transplant them into the buttock area. This results in a more natural looking outcome while also creating more roundness in your backside.
A full, well shaped bottom is an increasingly important marker of beauty and attractiveness. Dr. Salas has seen a steep increase in the number of patients interested in buttock enhancement in recent years.
There are a number of effective options open to patients who want a better butt.
Buttock augmentation can be used to improve the contour, size and shape of the buttock. This may be through implants, fat grafting, or a combination of the two.
For women who are happy with the size of their butt, but would like a firmer, smoother, sexier butt, a buttock lift is a good option. This corrects sagging and poor tissue elasticity caused by aging, sun damage and genetic factors.
Procedure Details
While having a Brazilian Butt Lift you will be placed under general anesthesia. During the operation Liposuction will be preformed where there is excess fat cells on your body. These Fat cells will then be transferred to your backside giving a more round yet natural appearance.
Preparation & Recovery
Each patient will be given specific and tailored instructions regarding preparation for surgery.
Those who smoke run a greater risk of chest infection and the healing wounds in smokers may be slower. For patients who smoke it is advisable to cut down for a week before surgery and to stop smoking completely for three days immediately before the operation. Assumption of Aspirin or blood thinning medication should be avoided for two weeks before surgery as it can reduce natural blood clotting after the operation.
A few weeks after a Brazilian Butt Lift you should avoid sitting on your bottom for an extended period of time.
BBL - Why
BBL - Details
BBL - Prep & Rec
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